From one MySpace addict to another...

Saturday, April 08, 2006

More Cool MySpace Groups!!

This time we're talking about the coolest Companies/Co-worker MySpace Groups:

Free Gas

How many members: 6800+
Why join?: All members who join this group get a $500 gas card for FREE! (No idea if this is true.)
Most interesting forum thread: None that I could see ;-)

Starbucks HQ

How many members: 2100+
Why Join?: Because you work at Starbucks!
Most interesting forum thread: "Rude customers"

Blockbuster Whores

How many members: 1800+
Why Join?: Because you're a previous or current Blockbuster employer.
Most interesting forum thread: "Secret Blockbuster Training Video"

Old Navy Employees

How many members: 950+
Why Join?: Duh...
Most interesting forum threads: "Am I underpaid?" and "Strangest Customer request"

Hollywood Video Dudes and Chicks

How many members: 900+
Why Join?: This group is "for those who wake up early to be at work at 9am and don't have a break until 5pm. OH YEAH WE KNOW!"
Most interesting forum threads: "You know you work at Hollywood Video when..."

Interested in writing for MySpace or Yours? Click here for more info!!

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